Mar 15, 2018 | History of Martial Arts, Macho Sparring
While the term mixed martial arts is a more recent invention, multiple forms of mixed martial art have been around for thousands of years. Over 6,000 years ago in ancient China, soldiers invented an ancient style of wrestling and kung-fu that used a lot of the same...
May 2, 2017 | History of Martial Arts, Macho Sparring, Sparring
Does Mexico have a martial art? What is the history of Lucha Libre, a form of professional wrestling developed in Mexico? In honor of Cinco de Mayo, a celebration that commemorates the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla, we will...
Feb 18, 2017 | About Macho, History of Martial Arts, Macho Sparring, Martial Arts News
When you look back at the last 35 years, Macho has been working hard to provide martial artists with the gear they need to stay safe and train effectively. Macho Martial Arts is proud of its legacy and to be founded and based in the USA. It all began in 1980 on...